Nuclear power facilities must put safety above all — and AAF has supported this strategy since the industry began. Our critical air filtration solutions are designed expressly to help provide protection for the people who work inside nuclear plants and the communities that surround them. AAF offers nuclear-grade filter media, housings and equipment that meet the performance and quality standards of relevant agencies. Our products are installed in nuclear power facilities worldwide, which reflects a half century of confidence from our customers.
Nuclear power facilities must put safety above all — and AAF has supported this strategy since the industry began. Our critical air filtration solutions are designed expressly to help provide protection for the people who work inside nuclear plants and the communities that surround them. AAF offers nuclear-grade filter media, housings and equipment that meet the performance and quality standards of relevant agencies. Our products are installed in nuclear power facilities worldwide, which reflects a half century of confidence from our customers.

VariCel® VXL
The VariCel VXL is the highest-performing and longest-lasting box filter in the HVAC filter line. This filter was developed to offer the lowest cost of ownership thanks to its unique combination of features. The V-bank design and dual-density fiberglass media provide excellent performance under difficult operating conditions.

MEGApleat® M9
The MEGApleat M9 filter is the longest-lasting and strongest pleated prefilter available. Its service life is 3 to 4 times longer than standard pleated filters. The low initial resistance and high dust-holding capacity help reduce energy use to lower operating costs.

Nuclear Grade HEPA
Nuclear facilities require strong filter performance in wet or dry conditions. That’s why these filters use a glass medium that’s composed of boron silicate microfiber. The filters are classified as Type B, which means they are designed and tested to meet the requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) AG-1 Code on Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment Section FC.

AstroSafe™ BG/KG & BF/KF Containment Housings
From AAF, these side-access containment housings are for High Purity HEPA products. They are designed to meet the air filtration needs of industries and research facilities that handle dangerous or toxic biological, radiological, carcinogenic or otherwise hazardous materials.

HEGA Filter Type IV – Stainless Steel
Offers 99.9% efficiency against gaseous contaminants in a corrosion-resistant stainless steel V-bed frame that allows for high airflow at low pressure drop for critical containment applications.

Performs a critical role under demanding conditions
Nuclear facilities need filtration solutions with proven reliability. AAF gives them the commitment and assurance they require. We designed the AstroCel l HEPA filter to meet the most stringent specifications in the nuclear industry. To provide even more peace of mind, we subject our complete HEPA filter assemblies to environmental and seismic qualifications. The result is a filter that can remain functional even during a nuclear incident.

Designed to meet exacting industry needs
Meeting the exacting needs of the nuclear power industry requires unrelenting attention to quality and standards. For more than 50 years, AAF has prioritized the toughest of those environmental and safety requirements. The AAF International Quality Assurance program addresses all 18 criteria structures of ASME NQA-1 (formally N45.2), “Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications.” By supplying high-efficiency air filtration solutions, our program is governed by standards set by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Nuclear Codes and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Nuclear Safety Standards.
Learn how AAF can make a difference.