Dangers of short-term exposure to wildfire smoke

Nearly the entire U.S. is threatened by wildfires, directly or indirectly. As scary as it is to be in the path of a raging fire, smoke plumes release gases and particulates that carry hundreds and even thousands of miles on the wind. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers the amounts of fine particulate matter

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What You Need to Know about Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Pollution Levels Indoors Can Be 5 Times Higher Than Outdoors Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a term that refers to the air quality in your building, breathed in every day by the building’s occupants. The pollution levels in this indoor air can be up to 5 times higher than outdoor

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Air filtration is a major component of sustainable design

Sustainable Design  Air filtration is a major component of sustainable design, which is both cost-efficient and resource-saving. 78% of Americans agree that corporations have a responsibility to adopt green standards like  clean air. In addition, green buildings use on average 26% less energy, emit 33% less carbon dioxide, use 30% less indoor water, and send 50%-75% less

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