Gas Phase Filtration

Pleated Filters

AAF pleated filters offer an easy, cost-effective solution to controlling gas contaminants and odors for improved indoor air quality. Space-saving, specially designed solutions combine multiple benefits into one, such as matching the dust-holding capacity and low resistance of a pleated filter with the odor control of carbon filtration. Your choice of carbon media makes it simple to target specific contaminants and odors.
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The AmAir/C family of filters is an easy, economical solution to many gaseous contaminant problems. The filters combine MERV 7 particulate efficiency with gas phase filtration and are directly interchangeable with standard media.
The AmAir/C M13 is ideal for applications needing both a higher-efficiency pleated filter and gas-phase filtration but where there is only space available for a single filter. These easy-to-install filters are effective on a wide variety of contaminants and directly replace existing 2” or 4” filters.
The AmAir/CE is a combination gas phase and particulate filter designed for light to moderate odor control and MERV 6 particulate efficiency. These filters are ideal for applications where particulate prefiltration and odor control are required but where there is only space available for a single filter.
FCP Carbon Pleat filters combine particulate and gas phase filtration to control both nuisance odors and gas phase contaminants. The design combines a high density of chemical media with three types of carbon media to target specific contaminants and odors better than products made with carbon slurry media.
The PREpleat AC filter combines the benefits of a pleated filter with the odor-removing abilities of activated carbon. It’s interchangeable with standard disposable panels or pleated filters where there is only room for a single filter.